can a tablet replace your desktop PC

As the tablet marketplace in the United States continues to heat up, analysts who follow consumer electronics trends are beginning to see a certain preference towards these mobile devices.

As the tablet marketplace in the United States continues to heat up, analysts who follow consumer electronics trends are beginning to see a certain preference towards these mobile devices.


It is clear that the consumer tech giants are closely following the trend of tablet computers as potential replacements for laptops or even desktops. This is certainly a trend outside of the U.S.; in various developing countries, smartphones and mobile broadband connections have brought personal computing and the Internet to many communities where such a convenience was previously very difficult to implement.

The Apple iPad Pro and Microsoft’s Surface line of mobile devices are clear examples of the tablet vs. computer paradigm. The Surface and iPad Pro devices are clearly aimed at enterprise users.


Windows-powered tablets, particularly those in the Microsoft Surface line, are more likely than the iPad Pro to replace desktop computers, at least for users who grew up in the late 20th century. In Apple Valley and Victorville, we are talking about Generation X, Generation Y, and the early members of the Millennial Generation; these are computer users who are used to sitting down at a desk to get work done, play elaborate games, browse the Internet, do homework, chat with friends, etc. These are people who are used to taking their computers to the repair shop and who enjoy applying upgrades from time to time.

Younger Millennials who were actually born in the 21st century are good candidates for growing up without desktops and laptops. We are talking about users who grow up with advanced smartphones, which can have considerable processing power these days. For these users, tablets will probably fit their lifestyles. They may use desktops and laptops for work purposes, and some of them will keep them at home, but these young users will probably do fine without the devices we have known as desktops.

For tablets to fully replace desktops, certain functions such as advanced gaming, graphic design, video production, music recording, scientific research, financial analysis, complex desktop publishing, etc., would have to either adapt to new mobile devices or disappear completely. With this in mind, it may take quite a few decades before tablets actually replace desktops.