According to statistics compiled by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency, 90 percent of small business owners whose companies go through a disaster are forced to shut down operations unless they are able to get back up an running in less than a week after the catastrophe. Disaster recovery planning is a crucial business process that all companies should pay close attention to; unfortunately, many small business owners fail to prioritize it.
Data is the most important aspect of a business technology platform. Hardware and software can always be replaced, but the same cannot be said about data. When disaster strikes, complete loss of data is something that business owners will find extremely difficult to recover from. Within the aforementioned FEMA statistic about businesses that fail because they were not able to recover quickly after a disaster, data loss was often involved.
Doing a better job with regard to protecting company data should be a New Year’s resolution for all business owners to make. Data protection is not limited to network security and privacy compliance; reliable backups and the ability to quickly recover after a loss situation are also vital aspects of data protection. It should be noted that data loss can be caused not only by natural disasters; some cybercrime attacks include data deletion as a form of IT vandalism, and there is also the malicious file encryption involving ransomware attacks. Disgruntled employees and hacktivists are two other actors known to engage in data deletion.
All disaster recovery plans should include a solid data backup strategy. Thankfully, this part of disaster recovery planning tends to be the easiest because it is a highly automated process; nonetheless, there are issues of data integrity, reliability, access control, and security that business owners should be mindful of. Sonic Systems offers a comprehensive data backup solution for High Desert companies: the SonicSafe Backup and Disaster Recovery Server. This is a solution that offers “bare metal” data imaging for business owners who want to backup entire systems, and it can be enhanced with virtual boot option that is perfect for a disaster recovery situation whereby backed up workstations reside in the cloud and can remotely booted in case of damaged or stolen computers.
Disasters can happen anytime and without warning; they can only be prevented to a certain extent, thus it is more important to formulate a good recovery plan. Call Sonic Systems today to learn more about our SonicSafe BDR Server solution and how it can fit into your disaster recovery plans for 2019.